About Project 33

Finn Thormeier

Founder and CEO

What ONE sentence best describes you?

Wife & daughter > books > everything else

What is your favorite digital tool?

Basecamp - love the philosophy and approach of its founders Jason & DHH.

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • Studied physics & philosophy before dropping out of college
  • Favorite author is Nassim N. Taleb, favorite book is Skin in the Game
  • Built an app to help me become the person I want to be

Anastasiya Sharkova

Head of Content

What ONE sentence best describes you?

I explore, therefore I am. 

What is your favorite digital tool?

Unpopular opinion, but email. It forces you to communicate with structure and intention. It doesn’t create a false sense of urgency or distraction (looking at you, messengers and Slack.) It’s humble, and it gets the job done. 

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • I’m a tea nerd. Having tea alone is my meditation.
  • I fell in love with virtual reality and the metaverse before it was cool.
  • I took part in a failed revolution. I plan to do it again - with a different outcome. 

Jay Flores

Director of Demand Gen

What ONE sentence best describes you?

I will forever be a nerdy, curious, and observant kid.

What is your favorite digital tool?

At the moment, my calendar - Cron Calendar. A second close is Figma.

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • Music = Life
  • My favorite way to see the world is through the lens of my camera
  • Building puzzles help me with ADHD

Tobias Mölenkamp

Director of Demand Gen

What ONE sentence best describes you?

I love to try a million different things.

What is your favorite digital tool?

YouTube/Spotify because of the endless opportunity to learn.

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • I am upset if a podcast episode I want to listen to is under 2 hours
  • I bet I ate more Curry than you
  • I am way too curious about rules and how to bend them while still respecting them

Bruna Pereira

Marketing Manager

What ONE sentence best describes you?

I do my best to live every day feeling that I'm really alive.

What is your favorite digital tool?

Not a tool, but Emily Dickinson is my favorite author/poet. Her poems make me reflect on not just feelings but the time, society, and how I want to be seen in the world.

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • I listen to music every single day, and I'm really open-minded about all musical genres.
  • I study education (pedagogy) in college, and that's one of the things that inspires me every single day.
  • I'm passionate about Star Wars and animated movies (mostly Disney and Pixar).

Dine-Mari du Preez

Marketing Manager

What ONE sentence/word best describes you?

Watermelon – I am quite shy and introverted on the outside (green), but as soon as you get to know me, you'll get to experience the fresh pink color.

What is your favorite digital tool?


What are 3 random facts about you?

  • Green is my favorite color and also the best way to describe myself – I encourage growth, love nature, and, like green plants, sunshine gives me energy.
  • My travel dream is to travel the whole of Africa with a 4x4 second-hand car with a rooftop tent.
  • I am happiest in the mountains or in the ocean.

Neo Mohr

Head of Growth

What ONE sentence best describes you?

I can switch between introvert and extrovert within seconds. I usually stick to the introverted side, though.

What is your favorite digital tool?

ChatGPT. 99% of people have no idea how powerful it actually is.

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • When going somewhere, I never take the same route back. Even if it takes much longer.
  • I can navigate any city, even if I've never been there before. I just go for gut feeling.
  • I dropped out of high school after turning 18

Matthew Eaton

Video Editor

What ONE sentence best describes you?

I’m a curious person and often find myself at the intersection of using my abilities to learn more about the world while at the same time seeking to glorify God in the process.

What is your favorite digital tool?

It's probably be between my budgeting app ‘Buddy’ or the classic YouTube - where I find a large majority of my inspiration for my creativity

What are 3 random facts about you?

  • In my spare time, I run ultra marathons.
  • I’m passionate about animals and their well-being.
  • I’ve had the privilege to travel to 30 countries and counting!